Why you need to undertake an electrical safety check now March 7, 2019NewsElectrical, Emergency Electrician, SafetyThe Captain There has been a slew of recent electrocutions in Australia, which serve as an unfortunate reminder that electrical safety needs to be taken seriously otherwise there are potentially fatal consequences. A sad common denominator in these electrocution cases is that they have involved faulty wiring/negligent use of electricity in the home which are preventable problems. There has been a double electrocution on a rural tablelands property where it is believed that a cable had been fixed from an electric fence to a semi trailer leading to two fatalities. Read the Double Electrocution article. An 11 year old girl has received a near fatal electric shock from touching a garden tap at her home. This has sparked encouragement from the national peak electrical body to encourage people to keep an eye out for danger signs their wiring may be faulty. Read the near fatal Garden Tap Shock. Sadly both of these accidents could have been prevented by a simple but thorough electrical safety check undertaken by a licensed and qualified electrician. The team at Captain Cook Electrical are experienced in electrical safety checks and will be able to prevent any accidents once potential faults are recognised. What are danger signs to look out for? Pay close attention to any of the following signs that could indicate a fault in the electricity wiring in your home: Keep an eye out for frayed wiring (caused from pests, pets or an inexperianced handyman).Keep an eye out for circuit breaker trips and count the amount of times the breaker trips (excessive trips indicate a potentially serious issue).Keep a nose out for burning smells coming from outlets installed in your home (this indicates potential fire damage and can lead to house fires). If you have noticed your home experiencing any of these signs, contact one of our licensed electricians from the Captain Cook Electrical team to book in for an electrical safety check today. Electrical faults are not something to be ignored as they can lead to expensive problems in your home and potentially fatal incidents. What do I need to check in my home? Make sure you have safety switches installed in your home. If you do already, ensure they’re tested every 3 months.Ensure you always use a licensed electrician to do electrical work. If you have just moved into the premises, Captain Cook Electrical are able to conduct an electrical safety check to find out if the previous electrician was licensed and conducted the work within electrical regulations.Make sure you hire an electrician to check the safety of power poles (this needs to be done within a 5 year time frame).If you have solar power in your home, it must be checked every year by a licensed electrician.You must ensure you don’t have any damaged switches or power points in your home.Ensure your home’s earth stake in a reasonable condition. When should I get an electrical safety check? There are a few times in your life where you should organise an electrical safety inspection. You should get a safety check: Before a storm or after a storm. If your house is old (over 25 years). If anything is acting up (regular power outages/tripped circuits). Every 5 years depending on the condition of your home. Electrical Safety Checks Sydney If you think that your home may need a safety inspection today, don’t hesitate to contact our licensed team on 1300 669 135 or alternatively fill in one of our online booking forms. Get some peace of mind for you and your family by arranging an electrical safety check as soon as possible.