Why use a licenced electrician? June 7, 2018NewsElectricalThe Captain Basic electrical work may seem fairly straightforward, in fact, you can probably find a youtube video on how to do just about any electrical job if you look long enough. In some countries it would seem that to carry out your own electrical work is ok, in Australia, however, it is against the law to have […]
How to Save Money on Electricity February 16, 2018NewsAppliances, Electrical, Smart HomeThe Captain Everybody loves the feeling of saving money. Having that little bit of extra cash flow can make a world of difference in some households. One of the biggest places that are overlooked when saving money is your electricity bills. There are many different ways that you can keep your electricity bill down to a point […]
Ceiling Fan Installation February 14, 2018NewsCeiling Fans, ElectricalThe Captain Are you a fan of the fan? With energy bills rising it would be wise to introduce cost-effective measures to your home. One way to do this is by installing a ceiling fan. The air in the room is kept circuiting by the fan making it feel either warmer or cooler. In summer, the rotating […]