What to do in the storm season January 9, 2019NewsElectrical, Emergency Electrician, SafetyThe Captain For most Aussies summer time is the best time of the year. From taking holidays from work to kicking back near the pool with a nice coldie in hand. It is also however our worst time of the year for storms. Our summer storms over the years have made international news for both their intensity […]
When Should I Call An Emergency Electrician? November 19, 2018NewsElectrical, Emergency ElectricianThe Captain We as a modern society are extremely reliant on electricity. Without power systems in place, humans don’t have access to their favourite appliances/mechanisms that assist them in their daily function – this can be not only a major nuisance, but a threat to productivity. Electrical faults aren’t abnormal. They happen, and range from routine to […]
Always make sure your electrician is licenced September 6, 2018NewsElectrical, SafetyThe Captain The death of a young carpenter earlier this year which could be linked to unlicenced electrical work has strengthed the electrical industry’s call to Sydney residents and businesses to ensure that every tradesperson who carries out work, repairs or upgrades on their property has a current licence. The home where the accident occurred is believed to […]
What is Test and Tag August 20, 2018NewsElectrical, SafetyThe Captain Who needs test and tag services? Test and tag can be performed in both commercial and domestic settings. Commercially both construction and demolition industries require specific tagging on there equipment and devices. Domestic test and tag services are more appliance and device orientated and can help to determine when a replacement may be needed. The tags used […]
Are smoke alarms compulsory in NSW? June 29, 2018NewsElectrical, Smoke AlarmsThe Captain Yes, they are. Why? Because this little $20 appliance could save your life. You might be thinking you’d be able to smell smoke pretty quickly, why bother with a smoke alarm? What if you were in the bathroom with the door shut and the shower on? What if you were asleep? Did you know your nose […]